Thursday, 28 January 2016

MEST 1 Section B: The British FIlm Industry


TASK 3: What is the 'Culture test' to see if a film counts as British?

The Cultural Test is a test that is put in place if a film does not qualify as a co-production.
It has to go through:
Cultural Context
Cultural Contribution 
Cultural contribution 
Cultural Hubs
Cultural Practitioners

This is then added together and if a Film is rated 16 or above it is then counted as a British Film.

TASK 4: Complete the task on the Facts Sheer, researching the films listed and finding out what they score on the cultural test: Sweeney, Attack The Block, The Kng's Speech, We Need To Talk About Kevin and Skyfall.

The Sweeney:Budget: £3 Million
Cultural Test - 31

Attack The Block:
Budget:  £8 Million
Cultural Test: 30

The King's Speech
Budget: £15 Million
Cultural Test: 24

Budget: £150 - £200 Million
Cultural Test: 24

TASK 5: What is the main problem for the British Film Industry?

The main problem for the British Film Industry is that they cannot provide the funds to finance a film so they may end up investing more money then they can afford which will inevitably make them bankrupt. Where the British Film Industry cannot provide the funds they may go to an Investor from another country who may want a certain cut out of the films profit (If they get any).

TASK 6: What are three of the strengths of the British Film Industry?

An advantage of the British Film Industry is that they have a very wild imagination helping them come up with ideas no one has come up with. They also have great directors who are able to direct the film with finesse and accuracy to what they want.

TASK 7: What are the two options for the future of the British Film Industry?

The two options that the British Film Industry need to consider is either making small budget Niche films which target a specific segment of the market or to get American film companies to invest into their productions.

TASK 8: In your opinion, which of these two options would best safeguard the future of the British Film Industry?

In my opinion I think that the British Film Industry are already doing good jobs at making niche films for specific segments of the market so instead of asking American Investors to invest in a product I believe that they should make more niche films.

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