Monday, 11 January 2016

January Assessment: Learner Response

Question 1:

Aximatically, we can tell that the instuitution takes an orginal and positive approach on road safety through the use of a non shock tactic approach. This subverts the idea that the of road safety advertisements always showing blood, death and gore. Furthermore, the use of bright colours also subverts the idea that this advertisement is of road safety. 

Another way in which the institiution takese an original and positive approach to road safety is through the use of a positive slogan "Embrace Life" also heightens how the advertisement is telling the audience to not think negatively about wearing seatbelts but to think of it as a blessing. This idea is then reinforced by how the protagonists daughter was wearing fairy wings. 

They also take an original and positive apporach on road safety by having the protagonist to 'play-act'. This creates a positive effect as the audience would not have to be witnessing a serious accident which could give the audience a whole different approach on seat belts. This idea is reinforced by the use of a positive narrative resoloution. This shows the audience about how they could be keeping them selves safe as well as not having to have their families go through the pain of losing someone. Furthermore this also subverts the idea of road safety advertisements being all gruesome.

Question 2

The use of mise en scene creates a postive impact on the advert. This is evident in the way the protagonist and his families facial expressions show how happy they are. The characters facial expressions were complemented by the use of a close up. This waas effective as it gives the audience a sense of true happiness. However, this soon died as the protagonist facial expressions went from one of hapiness to one of horror and fear. This created an errie atmosphere as the audience wanted to know what it was that was making him give such a face.

Secondly, the fact that the protagonist was wearing dull black and grey clothing compared to his family sugests that he is what the audience should be paying attention for. Later on in the scene we see the protagonists daughter jump off the sofa in order to save her father. The use of her wearing fairy wings enhanced how she is the saviour. Furthermore, the extreme close up of the glitter being kicked up into the air reinforcs how much she is like a fairy.
nstantly we can tell that this advert is no ordinary advert from the character

Question 3

In this scene the idea of 'family' was represented in a loving way. This is evident in the way the mother and daughter were smiling happily as the farther 'drove' past them. This is effective as it reinforces the dominant stereotypes (Dyer) that are based around a family.  Furthermore, families are also represented as being caring and close together. This is evident in the way both mother and daughters face turned into one of anguish as the farther was trying to control the skidding car. In addition to this family was also represented as being life savers. This is evident in the way the little girl descended down with fairy wings to save her fathers or to act as her fathers guardian angel. 

On the other hand, the idea of 'family' was represented as being typical and following the gender stereotypes. This is evident in the way it was the father in the front seat driving the car and the woman to be on the side lines cheer leading. However, the idea of the man being masculine and saving the 'damsel-in-distress' (Propp) is subverted as it is the woman who are cheer leading that save the protagonist. This could also suggest that the family are a strong team. The extreme close up of the woman in the family hands intertwining shows a sense of connection.

Question 4

Firstly, the film appeal to a wide range of audience due to the lack of dialogue. This is an effective way of targeting a wide range of people because it is not in any specific language thus resulting that the audience would be asked to use some sense of intuition to understand what is going on. In addition to this, the poignancy shown in the clip get the audience to feel some kind of personal identification with the characters in this clip. 

Secondly, it is shown that this clip is targeted at wide target audience because of the lack of an age limit. This is evident in the way it is a mere child that is saving a fully grown man and acting as his seatbelt. In addition to this you can tell that it is targeted at a wide range of people as they do not use shock tactics which suggests that the audience would not have to witness the gore that would naturally come in a car accident.

Finally, you can tell that the clip appeals to such a large audience because the three people that were showed were apart of a family. This is effective as it made the audience not know where the actors where from but based on the fact that they were Caucasian. Furthermore, you could tell it was related to everyone because it most families own a car and are all worried about their family. 

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